TPPR-H Floor Standing Cabinet Natural Ventilation and Without Plinth

TPPR-H Floor Standing Cabinet Natural Ventilation and Without Plinth

TPPR-H Floor Standing Cabinet Natural Ventilation, With Plinth

TPPR-H Floor Standing Cabinet Natural Ventilation, With Plinth

TPPR-H Floor Standing Cabinet Natural Ventilation, Without Plinth, Without Power Distribution

TPPR-H natural ventilation without plinth without power distrib

TPPR-H Floor Standing Cabinet Natural Ventilation, Without Plinth, Without Power Distribution -

Honeywell’s Touchpoint Pro makes gas control system design, installation, configuration and operation simple. Touchpoint Pro uses a ‘building block’ approach, providing unrivalled flexibility. The building block approach employed by Touchpoint Pro delivers real value by being able to adapt to each unique system requirement. Ease of use and intuitive configuration ensures that installation, set-up and ongoing maintenance costs are reduced, providing a ‘no compromise’ solution designed to reduce the cost of on-site safety.

Part Number Descriptin
TPPR-HF-FS-LXXHXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution
TPPR-HF-FS-LRXHXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, Redundant Control Centre Board, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution
TPPR-HF-FS-LXMHXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, Modbus® Interface Board, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution
TPPR-HF-FS-LRMHXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, Redundant Control Centre Board, Modbus® Interface Board, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution
TPPR-HF-FS-LXXXXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, w/o HON Logo, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution
TPPR-HF-FS-LRXXXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, Redundant Control Centre Board, w/o HON Logo, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution
TPPR-HF-FS-LXMXXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, Modbus® Interface Board, w/o HON Logo, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution
TPPR-HF-FS-LRMXXN Floor Standing Cabinet with Front Access 2000Hx800Wx600D includes Controller with HMI, PCBs, SD Card, Redundant Control Centre Board, Modbus® Interface Board, w/o HON Logo, natural ventilation, w/o power distribution